Thursday, November 19, 2009

What's it all about

Sweetie sent me this today from Steven Burke,
who has been known to do a few T shirt designs
for Ambiguous.
This truly could be our life story.. I hope we
stop working soon!

So perfect!

Although, these days there is not even
time for dreaming!! Happy weekend!
Buy Ambiguous tees here.


  1. I LOVE that!! Especially the part about lots of trees and champagne! Very important :) It does sort of put things into perspective tho. I want to quit working now!!

  2. That is funny. "Ideal would be a modern house..." Ha ha! No thanks, I'll skip the swimming pool and the two cars. But the cute house by the sea with bikes and lots of fruits.. now we're talking!

  3. I like it all. Esp the part of escaping from work. work work work!


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